
Here you can find the SEN4CE project results, that involve seniors in high quality adult education and life-long learning in order to engage and empower them for the green, sustainable, and digital circular economy of the future.

All the results of SEN4CE are available in English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese.

Result 1: Circular Economy for seniors and life-long learning

A course curriculum (including learning content) on circular economy for seniors was developed. The curriculum has been created for 2 EQF levels (one version for enabling 2-3, one version for enabling 3-4) to ensure compatibility with the diverse learning needs of seniors 60+.

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Result 2: Circular Economy for care and retirement sector

Materials for trainers of adult education with a focus on seniors and facilitator in care homes, who want to provide adult education on CE. The materials consist of an e-learning course on CE for trainers/facilitators, who have little to no prior knowledge of CE and a handbook for trainers, including a methodology toolkit and example lesson plans.

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Result 3: Digital Circular Economy tools for seniors

Circular Economy goes hand in hand with digital tools. The focus of this result is based on digital applications for Circular Economy, enabling seniors to EQF 2-3 in digital tool skills.

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Result 4: Digital learning materials

Digital training materials were developed, based on the concepts and curricula of R1-R3. The software Articulate was used to create non-linear, scenario-based gamified e-learnings. The digital training materials are fully responsive and the design takes into account the needs of the target group (seniors) and respect highest barrier-free standards. The digital training is based in blended learning methodology.

Result 5: SEN4CE Digital environment

The SEN4CE digital environment is the primary sharing and promotion tool for the digital training courses. Special attention is given to the design and visual identity to respect the needs of the target group seniors (easy access/barrier free). Instead of developing “yet another platform”, the aim is to create the highest possible compatibility with existing platforms.